mac scp client

Libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3, Azure and OpenStack Swift browser for Mac and Windows. Available for Linux too.

相關軟體 WinSCP 下載

WinSCP是一套開放原始碼的Windows平台FTP用戶端,支援SFTP與FTP,甚至還有SCP等等。開放原始碼,當然是免費的,沒有惱人的廣告軟體、間諜軟體與惡意程式。 WinSCP支援SFTP與FTP,甚至還有SCP等等。SFTP是SSH-2標準的一部份,SCP是SSH-1所支援,主要是幫下載或上傳的資料增密。 ...

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  • Libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3, Azure and OpenStack Swift browser for Mac and Windows. Availa...
    Cyberduck - Official Site
  • Client side encryption with ​Cryptomator interoperable vaults to secure your data on ... N...
    Cyberduck | Libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3, Backblaze B2 ...
  • Open source freeware SFTP, SCP and FTP client for Windows. ... FireFTP is an FTP client, n...
    Equivalent for Mac :: Support Forum :: WinSCP
  • Fugu is a graphical frontend for the text-based Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) clien...
    Fugu SSH - Browse Files at
  • 2013年2月5日 - Cyberduck is an open source FTP, SFTP client for mac. Works great!
    linux - SFTP, SCP, and FTP client for OS X - Stack Overflow
  • 现在用的mac 终端里面自带的ssh 功能,但是这个用起来似乎无法像windows下面的sercure CRT 那样方便的克隆会话,经常需要用到这个功能,有没有别的比较靠谱的推荐?...
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  • WinSCP alternative for OS X (that supports sudo and without virtualizing WinSCP) [closed] ...
    mac osx - WinSCP alternative for OS X (that supports sudo ...
  • 2011年5月16日 - up vote 1 down vote. WinSCP port for Mac is the only solution for a while. ....
    mac osx - WinSCP alternative for OS X (that supports sudo and without ...
  • 2012年7月3日 - Transmit is a long-standing and well-regarded Mac app that handles FTP, SFTP,...
    macos - Mounting a remote SCP or SFTP share on Mac - Ask Different
  • 2014年4月2日 - That was after I found out that the Mac OS X Filezilla client does SFTP on th...
    mavericks - Cyberduck replacement for SCP transfers - Ask Different
  • I have just upgraded to Mac OS Lion and I have a problem with Fugu application that I used...
    osx - SCP client for MAC OS Lion - Stack Overflow ...
  • RBrowser is a graphical SSH/SCP/SFTP/FTP Client for the Mac Downloads LICENSES - New,Lost ...
    RBrowser - The SSH Client for the Mac!
  • I usually use winscp on windows and I recently got a macbook. I was looking for an SCP cli...
    SCP client for OSX? : webdev - Reddit
  • I usually use winscp on windows and I recently got a macbook. I was looking for an SCP cli...
    SCP client for OSX? : webdev - reddit: the front page of the ...
  • scp client mac free download. Rocket.Chat Desktop Client Rocket.Chat Desktop client is the...
    scp client mac free download - SourceForge
  • What's a SCP Client and what's a good one? I know it has to do with FTP but does S...
    SCP Client?? | Mac Support
  • Open source freeware SFTP, SCP and FTP client for Windows.
    WinSCP :: Official Site :: Free SFTP and FTP client for Windows
  • 2017年9月17日 - Support for FTP Multiple languages Secure Copy (SCP) Support for ... Transmi...
    WinSCP Alternatives for Mac OS X